quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Halloween Celebrations

On the 31st October the students of 2º Ciclo celebrate the Halloween in school Grão Vasco and all over the world! Our students are doing research work on the topic HALLOWEEN, so next week you will have a chance to start having a look at them.
Our 9th graders are more concerned with the English speaking world, therefore some of their best power points will be published for YOU to enjoy yourselves!
Meanwhile enjoy the pictures!

English club online

Good afternoon!
Today we are beginning the online sessions of the English club.
1st Members: all members of the English club!

2nd Members: 6thA, 6th D, 6th E; 9th A, 9th B, 9th H,9th F !

Activities: E-learning activities to be posted on this BLOG every week.

FOLLOW US!!!!!!!!!  :)

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

A short story

The little red hen

"The young fox went to the door of the house and sat there.
At half past six the little red hen came out of her house to get  some water from the pool."

Macmillan Education,page 6.

"The little red hen laughed at the fox.'Good morning foxy,' she said.
'What are you going to eat for your breakfast?'

Macmillian Education,page 29.

Carolina and Snizhana.